Welcome to the home page for the

Oakland University - Henry Ford Hospital (OU-HFH)

Neuromagnetism Laboratory. 

      This is the home page for

MEG Tools© 

which is a software program for source imaging Magnetoencephalographic data.  Now MEG tools has added Coherence Source Imaging (CSI), Talairach and MNI coordinates, Grainger Causality. MEG Tools also  includes MR-FOCUSS, ECD, Beamformers and many other useful MEG tools.  You may download the MEG tools Matlab implementation files. 


This is a Matlab-based software module that is used to image MEG data onto a patient’s MRI. This software imports all MEG manufacture’s data (4D-Neuroimaging/BTi, CTF and Neuromag/Elekta).

This web site

Created and Maintained by

SM Bowyer

Last updated 8-2020

OU-HFH Neuromagnetism

To contact us:

Henry Ford Hospital

Neuromagnetism Lab CFP 78/79

2799 West Grand Blvd.

Detroit, MI USA 48202


Phone: 1-313-916-1075


Email:  sbowyer1@hfhs.org

MEG Lab Staff


Scientific Director  

Susan M Bowyer PhD Biomedical Physics


Medical Director

Omar Danoun MD Epileptologist


Gregory L. Barkley MD

John E  Moran PhD Biomedical Physicst


Karen Mason BA R. EEG/MEG Technologist

Danijela Manousakakis R.EEG Technologist

Renata Ugolnik R. EEG LTM Technologist



Norman Tepley PhD Physicist

Andrew Zillgitt DO Epileptologist

Valentine Gumenyuk  PhD Psychology

Stephen Robinson PhD Neurophysiology

Barbara Weiland  PhD Biomedical Physics

Pravitha Ramanand, PhD

Neetu Shukla Grad Student

Uma Saligam PhD

Yeaton Clifton, PhD

Explorathon STEM talk

 for HighSchool


Power Point Talk


Brain Facts book


Physics in your Future2002

Physics in your Future 2015